How To Avoid Being Sick While Travelling?
Getting sick is an essential part of everyone’s life, but once you are travelling, you are more exposed to varying environments, viruses, bugs and parasites. While planning a long holiday trip, the chances of catching one or more bug multiplies. You can reduce the risk of getting ill if you successfully combat the risk factors contributing to the sickness predominantly.
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Hand washing plays an important role to keep you away from being sick. Although it may sound to be very basic, but surprisingly many people either ignore it or forget to wash hands very often. Hand hygienic plays a great role in stopping the spread of infections. You can easily avoid food poisoning, vomits, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, flu, and even hepatitis A, by washing your hands regularly, especially before eating.

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When you are not pretty much sure if the local water is clean and pure, it’s better not to risk your health and buy bottled water during the travel. Make sure to have a look at the seal on the bottle top to double-check if the bottle has not been re-filled.
Diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems are mainly caused due to food contamination during travel. To rule out any contamination chances, prefer eating fresh and carefully cooked food items. Any salads washed under local tap water or fruits and vegetables that have not been peeled by you, need to be avoided to reduce the risk of catching a certain infection or disease.
When your gut does not readily digest the food or in case you have taken a portion of food that is completely new to your stomach, then it gives rise to food intolerance, resulting in severe pains, vomits, cramps, heartburn and as server as diarrhea. In most of the cases, it is not very serious and the person easily recovers from it within a few hours or a day.

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Take an appointment with your healthcare professional before heading a trip, to check out if you are required to take any vaccination essential in your travelling country. Complete your vaccination before your flight day to get rid of any serious health problems during the trip.
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